PO Box 1810, Southport BC, QLD 4215
95 670 814 221
If you have an existing account under management with A.C.N. 648 971 626 Pty Ltd (formerly Cigno Australia Pty Ltd), you can access their Member Portal by clicking the button below:
Please consider your own circumstances before you use Cigno. Please make sure you read our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and this Financial Risk Disclaimer.
Cigno is a business name of FTA Data Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 95 670 814 221.
FTA Data Solutions Pty Ltd is an Authorised Credit Representative (Credit Representative No. 552387) of Finance & Loans Direct Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence No. 390166.
Cigno is not a credit provider or a credit assistance provider. When you complete the Information Form, you are not applying for credit or any other particular goods and services. The completion of our Information Form also does not guarantee that you will be provided with credit or any other goods and services through our network.
Depending on the information you provide to us in the Information Form, we endeavour to assist you by providing your information to our intermediary partners. Where we provide your information to our intermediary partners, we may receive a fee.
If the information you provided to our intermediary partners meets their requirements, they may connect you with a credit provider, goods and/or services provider and/or specific products to meet your their needs (depending on the information your input into the Information Form).
Any application you ultimately make through a particular credit provider or goods and/or services provider is subject to that provider’s eligibility criteria and terms and conditions. The loan, credit, product or service may not be available to every person. We do not endorse or recommend any particular provider, product or service that you be connected with or offered. All statement on this website are general in nature and do not constitute financial, credit or legal advice (or any other advice).
SMS: 0429 213 774
Email: enquiries@cignoau.com.au
Post: PO Box 1810, Southport BC, QLD 4215
ABN: 95 670 814 221